Video annotation software: why and how to use it?

Logiciel d'annotation vidéo : pourquoi et comment l'utiliser ?

Video annotation software is collaborative tools that allow you to include information on videos: text, image, etc. They now play a crucial role in video production management. Why should you use video annotation software? How to use it? Smartvideo provides some answers in this article.

Why use video annotation software ?

Using a video annotation tool to annotate your audiovisual productions allows you to improve your accuracy in time and space. Concretely, this allows you to annotate at the time code you choose, pin the annotation on the video image and share your comments with the editor.

With this tool, you can also have the simplified validation of a video and easily launch exchange dynamics with, if necessary, response systems. You can also have feedback dated and documented directly with the reviewer ID.

Thanks to the video annotation application, you will be able to improve your productivity by centralizing the data of your content creation project. It also allows you to have a clear vision of all the stages of your audio or video projects and to accelerate video validations.

Video annotation software, like that of SmartEvo, allows you to easily plan, execute, and track your video or audio project. They allow you to save time and prevent you from making mistakes that could ruin all the work accomplished upstream.

How to use the software to add video annotation?

To insert text with the content creation tool on the video, position yourself on the playback bar of the “Project Annotation” screen. All you have to do is annotate the video with the text you want. Three annotations are possible: time code, sequence or brush annotation. In the first case, you must position the video at the moment you want to make the annotation, enter the comment in the indicated area and click “Add”.

In the second case, you must pause the video in order to position yourself at the beginning of the sequence. After entering the comment in the indicated box, a marker will appear on the reading bar. With your mouse, position yourself on the first bar, move it to the right to select your sequence and click “Add”.

In the third case, after positioning yourself at the moment where you want to draw the brush, pause the video. Then click on the brush in the comment box below the video. Choose the color and line width, circle the desired area and click “Add”.

After making all annotations, click “Ready to Edit” to notify the team that the video can be reworked by the editor. On the other hand, if you wish to validate the video before publication, click on “In validation” to send it for validation. Attention ! To annotate your videos with text, you must also take into account video annotation best practices and use the right tool.

Logiciel d'annotation vidéo : pourquoi et comment l'utiliser ?

Video annotations: what are the best practices to follow?

To annotate your videos or the images within them, get straight to the point. An annotation must correspond to a point in the content. Don’t try to put all the information on the same image. Otherwise, you will be scattered. If you have several pieces of information to put on the same video image, you can annotate it several times.

The most important thing is to be precise and concise in your text. Avoid flourishes, indirect turns of phrase and give examples to help the audience understand you. Also strive to be precise in time and space. Annotate each image or images at the exact moment, at the right timecode and in the right place.

Before posting your video to any social media, take a step back to evaluate your writing. This allows you to avoid spelling mistakes and ensures that what you have written cannot be interpreted differently. This work is also important to ensure that your text is logical, coherent and easy to understand.

Which video annotation software should you choose for your project?

To choose your annotation software, here are the criteria to take into account.

The functionalities and ergonomics of the software

Not all video annotation tools offer the same functionality. Before you make your choice, make sure the app is suitable for the types of tasks defined by your video annotations. Also check that the tool includes tag suggestion features.

In terms of ergonomics, you must take into account it to ensure that the application is well understood by the members of your team. To ensure you have a tool that is easy to use, check out the reviews people have left on the product.

The annotation project management interface

Managing an annotation project is not easy, especially when several team members are involved. In this specific case, the management interface must offer the required functionalities to allow the team leader to monitor the progress of the project. This also allows it to provide quality monitoring and more easily assign files or documents to annotators.

User experience UX

UX is also an important aspect when choosing video annotation tools. It makes learning the tool easier for the annotator and other team members. The video annotation software of your choice must therefore include certain UX criteria such as the management of long texts, multiple tags, readability of text and annotations, etc. Among the tools that correspond to all these criteria, we distinguish the Smartvideo annotation software.

Logiciel d'annotation vidéo : pourquoi et comment l'utiliser ?

SmartEvo: a unique video annotation tool

SmartEvo offers a video annotation tool that can be used by both professionals in the field and those who are not. It allows several entities to collaborate on the same project: installers, personnel responsible for communication, marketing, etc.

This tool facilitates the collaborative work of teams and saves valuable time when it is necessary to take into account feedback from customers and order givers. This solution is also suitable for all video content producers: agencies, directors, editors, producers, etc.

It is suitable for all players in audiovisual production because it allows you to efficiently manage all the crucial stages of video creation. It has all the features necessary to produce an impactful video, to validate each stage of production and to properly manage post-production.

SmartEvo’s functionalities also allow it to be adapted to organizations that require the production or subcontracting of video production internally. It can also be used to create impactful videos that improve customer loyalty or create a need among them.

It is also very useful for producing videos for distribution online or on other media. Thanks to its functions, Smartvideo can also meet the expectations of administrations, televisions, production companies, clubs, federations and sports leagues. To access it, go to the website